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Season 3 : Sub-Five Special 1 – Two Gomers’ Rules of Thumb

Click to Download! Claim a Gomernumber
Updated:  Click here to see the GomerRegistry, and which numbers are still available!

It’s the first Special of Season 3: Two Gomers’ Rules of Thumb! The guys are reaching back into the archives and thinking through their top ten Gomers’ Tips from the past three years.  Then, after much pontification, introspection, and (of course) rabbit trail-chasing, they reveal their ten most valuable running lessons: the Gomers’ Rules of Thumb!  Just in case that’s confusing, in true Gomergeek fashion, the guys have included some recognizable sound-effects to keep things organized.

Only 99 more Gomers Tips till you earn a Rule of Thumb!

So download while the downloadin’s good!  Click the first button to donate.  A suggested donation of $2.99 is encouraged, but if you want to dig deep and give more, especially if you’ve been encouraged, motivated, or entertained by the Gomers…well, the guys wouldn’t complain.

Then click the second button to download the special (right click on the DOWNLOAD button and select “Save target as…” or “Download Linked File”).

And remember this Special’s incentive:  If you donate, you can email us at and claim a GomerNumber!  Either let us know what specific number you want (first come first served) or say “lowest possible” and we’ll give you the next available number.  WOW!

Thanks in advance! Happy Running!

Click to Download! Claim a Gomernumber



  1. Laura S
    Laura S May 3, 2011

    Dude, I am going to be 40 this month and I don’t feel like your mom. You remind me of my cousins. Geesh!

  2. Kyle Jones
    Kyle Jones May 3, 2011

    Good to hear This World’s Fair again! memories..

  3. Brandon
    Brandon May 5, 2011

    Definitely one of your best episodes! have listened to it twice now.

  4. kim
    kim May 14, 2011

    I am with Laura S. I am 41 and DO NOT feel like your mom, but I may kick your butt like an older sister.

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