This week, join the guys as they do their best to get “there,” whatever “there” means. Gomer1 re-inserts himself back into the training schedule, and Gomer2 heads to warmer climates for some recovery training, which includes catching a glimpse of the weirdest person he’s ever seen while on a run.…
12 CommentsTwo Gomers Podcast Posts
Good news: Steven just ran his first mile since the accident. Sure, it’s a baby step, but it’s a BIG baby step. What, you didn’t see that movie? Weird. Also: Thrilling Daylight Savings Time discussions, Wii-related confessions, senior song confusions, and car talk, just like them guys on the NPR!…
Leave a CommentWith Gomer2 still laid up in bed and Gomer1 recovering from the Half Marathon, it’s a slow running week. But you know better than to think they wouldn’t come up with PLENTY to talk about right? It’s what you’d expect: a weird mix of Oscar Chat, food tangents, weight updates,…
2 CommentsWho thinks it’s a good idea for Gomer2 to take his meds right before recording, raise your hands. You might want to listen to this episode before you decide. The Gomers are back, baby, and doing their best to bring a little bit of normalcy back to the GomerNation. So…
2 CommentsGomer2 is still mostly bed-ridden in the aftermath of the big car accident, so the guys thought this would be the perfect time for their third Gomer Rewind. Join the guys as they take a look back at one of their favorite episodes from the first season, the one recorded…