One challenge comes to a close (give up something fattening for 40 days) and another is in full swing (exercise 20-30 minutes per day), and we’re checking in with one another about both. Plus, how the heck are we going to get our hair cut to look as good as…
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Ok we tried something and it was fun! What you’re about to hear is our first ever ep taped live in front of a studio audience, on our Instagram feed (@twogomerspodcasts). We had a blast! And we also set forth our April Challenge: Exercise six days a week, for 20-30…
Leave a CommentIt’s a special double episode where we talk a bit about what’s working as we try to stay healthy during the pandemic, and what’s not…then we hear from you, the Listener! We are proud of you and love hearing from you, and we hope you enjoy a little more from…
Leave a CommentThis one is mostly just us telling you that you are important, you don’t have to hole up emotionally, and we are here for you. Plus some advice about the news cycle, social media, not holing up emotionally, paying attention to what you put into your body right now, and…
1 CommentIt’s a real moment right now, and the guys are here to provide some normalcy in otherwise irregular times – by talking about Star Wars food in Disneyland, among other things. We get serious, we laugh, we keep trying to be healthy. Stayed tuned for another episode dropping tomorrow! Stay…
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