Why is Steven qualified to host a podcast called Runner’s Block? What is his running journey? What is his primary excuse that keeps him from running? And was George Lucas the primary block that held Hayden Christensen back? Meet your host Gomer 2 in Part II of the premiere episode…
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Why is Anthony qualified to host a podcast called Runner’s Block? What is his running journey? What is his primary excuse that keeps him from running? And how tall is Tom Cruise exactly? Meet your host Gomer 1 in Part I of the premiere episode of Runner’s Block, the new…
Leave a CommentAfter twelve years of podcasting about health, running, food, and 1001 tangential topics, the Two Gomers are starting something new! Ok, not completely new, but check out this hook: Each week, we’re gonna face the excuses that keep us on the couch – our “Runners Block”s – as we seek…
Leave a CommentThe second half of our New Years One Word specials, in which Anthony reviews his word-gone-by (Unhurry) and gives his new one…but not before, per tradition, revealing a bunch of words he ALMOST chose. Happy New Year! Subscribe to the Bonus Disc to support the Gomers and get a ton…
Leave a CommentOur annual tradition of choosing One Word in January that we want to define our year feels extra important this year – bu when isn’t that true? Steven starts the two-part year opener by reviewing his word from last year, Savor, and revealing his 2021 word. Plus a lot (to…
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