What even IS time though, really? Join us as we struggle with deep questions like this – and also how dominos work – on our journey to figure out how busy people can live their lives AND run. Remember, if we can do it, you can do it! Unless you…
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Yoga instructor, labor doula, former running clinic office manager and Two Gomers Social Media Guru Annie LeVasseur joins us as our first Runner’s Block guest to reveal her primary block: past injury, and the fear of it happening all over again. How do you prevent it before it happens? How…
Leave a CommentYou can’t be on a running journey unless you start. Sounds simple…but why is the starting so dang HARD? Anthony and Steven dig in to the most basic of blocks, realize it’s more complex than they thought, and give practical advice (and a GomerProTip of the Week) on how to…
1 CommentSo topical! It’s a Steven’s Block today and he decides to tackle something completely out of his control: the weather. Or is it? Also, how do you pronounce mittens? Happy Freezing! —————————— Tell us your Runner’s Block and follow us on our social media at bit.ly/runnersblock Support the Gomers by…
Leave a CommentIt’s the official OFFICIAL launch of the newest season of the Two Gomers podcast, Runner’s Block. And we’re tackling a big one right out of the gate: how we look, and how that doesn’t seem to match up with what a runner “should” look like. How has that blocked our…
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