Now that we’ve chosen our race and race date, we need a plan to get there. Running coach Laura Frye joins us to lay out a training schedule that not only includes running but cross training (what?) and strength training (WHAT?!). We try to keep up with everything that’s new…
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In our final week of Bloktoberfest, we hear from you, our loyal and wonderful listeners! You celebrate getting outside, seeing the world from a different angle, feeling accomplished, getting healthy, and becoming more present. And it’s a good thing we have you to lean on, GomerNation, we love you! Tell…
Leave a CommentBloktoberfest continues and it’s Anthony’s turn share the top things he loves about running and the running journey. Also: Amy Poehler finally explains what eating the frog means, more air horns, and much MUCH more. Happy Bloktober, and Happy Running! Thanks to this episode’s sponsor, Noom! Get a free trial…
Leave a CommentWe kick off Bloktoberfest with a bang as Steven shares the top three things he loves about running and the running journey. Also: Googling “Sport,” pasty church directory photos, Olivia Newton John parody songs, conquering procrastination, learning to love what you didn’t used to love, and very cool air horn…
Leave a CommentProfessional drummer, unclaimed baggage connoisseur, and special guest Brett Shields opens up to us about racing, failing, addiction, intervention, and what’s on the other side in this deeply personal episode of Runner’s Block. Whether you struggle with addiction or know someone who does, we hope this episode is a positive…
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