Hey, we’ve all been there – you’re doing fine and then urg: your stomach cramps up. Or your side splits. Is it something you ate? Is it your posture? Is it your dang attitude? We focus on that midsection and the seizing that so plagues it in this ep as…
1 CommentTwo Gomers Podcast Posts
Every once in a while we have an ep that goes DEEP. This is one of those! Anthony had a “flux capacitor-level” epiphany back late last year, and while we were able to share it with our patrons, we decided we needed to discuss it on the main feed. Also,…
1 CommentEver the timely podcasters, here is a spring episode…in the summer! Steven reveals three blocks he faces while running in the spring, and they don’t make an acronym. This episode makes a lot of sense and is just what we need in these troubled times. Happy summering! Check out all…
1 CommentRecorded pre-Memorial Day Race, this ep chronicles the rise and fall of Anthony’s calf muscle – how it took him out, how he’s feeling about it, and how he’s facing that block head on. What does all this have to do with refrigerators? You’ll find out – happy listening, and…
Leave a CommentNote: You can listen to this episode any time, but it is specifically made to listen to while running a 5k! To celebrate our Third Annual Two Gomers Memorial Day Weekend “Hey How’s It Going” Virtual 5k and 10k we’re releasing our first ever Race Audio Guide! So suit up,…
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