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Season 2 : Episode 27 – Food Run

Food is all over this week’s episode, as the Gomers make each other hungry by discussing the fast food they can’t eat, the diets they’re off and on, the sandwiches they can fit in their pockets, the food revolutions they wish they could be a part of, the culinary podcasts they wish they’d thought of, and the food show hosts that are now game show hosts.

This is intense!
This is intense!

Oh, and bacon.

Plus all your favorite sections:  Week in Review, Listener Feedback, an Eat and Run/Running in the Media Mashup, two new Tips from a Ten-Timer in the Runner’s Corner, and two new Songs to Run To.  Happy Running!

This Week’s Survey:  Do you eat WHILE you run? If so, what? And how? A curious Gomernation wants to know!


  1. CLK
    CLK April 13, 2010

    I cut up dates into small pieces and nibble on those only on long runs of 10 miles or more. It gives me the boost I need and is coming from a natural food. l have not done a marathon – yet. Only a half.

  2. Heidi Kuipers
    Heidi Kuipers April 13, 2010

    Anthony, post that bacon recipe or at least let me know the right baking temp. Last time I tried to do bacon in the oven, I burnt it and smoke was everywhere. I wonder if I had the oven too hot or if it was the pan or what. Thanks for the help.

  3. Michele
    Michele April 13, 2010

    Oh sweet… I got a mention on the podcast! All for not listening to other podcasts! To answer the question of how I came across yours, I was searching on iTunes for running-related things (thinking I’d maybe find an audiobook or something) and that’s how I found you. I didn’t even know what a podcast was, but I was excited that it was free. I’ve actually tried listening to a couple other podcasts since then, but they seemed pretty lame.

    Gomer1, you should put together a “walk all day” day for all the Florida folks… I would totally do that.

  4. Alisha
    Alisha April 14, 2010

    I nom before and after my workout, but I’m not doing more than a 10k.

  5. DMF
    DMF April 15, 2010

    Just found your podcast and am really enjoying it.
    I guess its not real food but its a lot better than Gu..Clif Shot Bloks..sort of like a big fruit snack. I eat two every 4 miles on long runs and during marathons. I cannot consume anything but water with the shot bloks or gels.if I guessed it…code brown. It is all high fructose corn syrup..

  6. Bill
    Bill April 19, 2010

    With all respect to the listener who expressed some dissatisfaction with the “Songs to Run to” segment, I think it’s strong. I don’t know a lot of the inspirational music you guys listen to, but much of the rest is stuff I like too. I like the changes you dudes make, but I guess those are additive-type changes rather than edit-type. Just my two cents. Looking forwardx to the next podcast!

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