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Season 3 : Episode 13 – Race in Review (or: Marathons are super fricking hard)

Download the Special here!

The Gomers’ Sub-Five Strive at the Minneapolis Marathon has come and gone, and well…they strived!  Join the guys as they begin to process the day of the race, what happened when, why and with whom.  It was a roller coaster of a day, and the Gomers attempt to recreate it in a way that’s honest yet hopeful – a week out, that almost seems possible!  Listen also as they remember their meetings with the Gomernation fondly, and sheepishly try to recall the name of the Gomer Flight Attendant, with no success.

Flight Attendant
Help! We forgot your name! Can anyone help us out?!

This Episode is fully devoted to the Race in Review, and coming next week is the Runner’s Corner with thoughts concerning how they feel after the fact, then SWR2 (Songs We Ran To), and Gomers in Preview…where they begin to attack the “What’s Next” question.  Hope you enjoy, and Happy Running!


  1. Jeff
    Jeff June 14, 2011

    Listening to the podcast now – you guys just got hit by some bad weather. On a cooler day you SO would have broken five hours!

  2. STACY!!!!!!!
    STACY!!!!!!! June 14, 2011

    STACY! STACY! STACY! STACY! STACY! STACY! cool! i am famous….kinda. will this be the pic on the itunes page for your next season? lol. nice meeting u guys! love your podcast!!!

  3. Ben
    Ben June 14, 2011

    Did the 5 hour pace guy also walk up the hill?

  4. Jen
    Jen July 8, 2012

    Hey guys! Have downloaded this several times and it always stops at 17 minutes (it’s not a special, is it?) What am I doing wrong?!

  5. Jen
    Jen July 8, 2012

    OK me must be being gomerish… is working now 🙂

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