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Block 34: Spring Has Sprung (Up As A Block We Had to Overcome)

Ever the timely podcasters, here is a spring episode…in the summer! Steven reveals three blocks he faces while running in the spring, and they don’t make an acronym. This episode makes a lot of sense and is just what we need in these troubled times. Happy summering!

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Subscribe to the Bonus Disc, our second podcast that comes out on the off-weeks of this one, at Coming next week: Is O Brother, Where Art Thou? a Perfect Movie? That’s a lot of questions marks.

Thanks to this episode’s sponsor, Noom. Sign up at for a free trial!

Tell us your Runner’s Block at

Call us on the GomerPhone and leave us a one-minute message about your Runner’s Block at 608-NBA-PONY (608-622-7669) 

One Comment

  1. Darren VanLeuven
    Darren VanLeuven July 5, 2022

    Nice Spring episode.

    Summer blocks
    1. It is too hot
    2. Where I live, the nights are too short, so unless I go to bed when Sun is still up, I won’t get enough sleep to run before work, too hot after work.
    3. In about a month, it will get real smokey.

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