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Runner’s Block Roundup IV

It’s that time again: the Cliff’s Notes of Runner’s Block eps! Our review of Phase 4 – Blocks 31-40 – goes all the way back to February, and so we have a LOT to talk about, update one another on, and ponder. Plus a ton of fun stuff along the way. Happy Rounding Up!

Want more Gomers? Here’s your one-stop-site for everything Two Gomers:

Subscribe to the Bonus Disc, our second podcast that comes out on the off-weeks of this one, at And it’s a fun November: Is Steel Magnolias a Perfect Movie? (with Jessica Grahmann) and the Two Gomers rank Thanksgiving films, wow! Remember: if we get to 200 patrons Steven will run with a running group!

Tell us your Runner’s Block at

Text us or call us on the GomerPhone and leave us a one-minute message about your Runner’s Block at 608-NBA-PONY (608-622-7669) 

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