Our annual New Year tradition is upon us! We each choose one word in January that we want to define our year, and challenge our listeners to do the same. Steven starts the our two-part year-opener by reviewing his word from last year, Create, and dealing with his feelings of…
1 CommentMonth: December 2021
While the guys take a couple weeks off for Christmas, enjoy this special episode, unlocked from our Patreon feed (patreon.com/twogomers). Oft discussed over the past 13 years, we finally put Spielberg’s least favorite movie on trial. Does it achieve Perfect status despite, or even because of, its flaws (á la…
Leave a CommentLet’s face it, we all feel behind in some way. But behind whom? Or what? Who sets the standard behind which we find ourselves? And why is it so defeating? The guys tackle what it’s like to do something together – train for and run a long distance race –…
Leave a CommentFor two guys who can make absolutely ANYTHING an excuse not to run, the holiday season offers a plethora of potential outs. So how can one keep exercising and eating right when everything – and everyone – around them is pulling them the opposite direction? Could this time actually be…
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